Friday, February 27, 2015

Disciple Testimony: Disciple Burns

My DCMC Testimony (as of 2/27/2015)

I was working in the oil/natural gas industry, out on drilling rigs 20-25 days a month and away from my family. The money was awesome and I provided them with everything they wanted, spoiled them when I was home, & missed them when I was away. As my children grew older, my wife & I grew restless & stressed. Small issues became week long arguements over the phone. I began to pray that God would help me to solve my marital woes. He told me to leave the field. "What!? I can't leave the field! It is our only source of income. How will I pay the bills?" Was my reply. I had multiple payments, not to mention the mortgage on a house we had just bought not 9 months earlier. But God continue to press onto me to return to my family and be the father He designed men to be. Finally I told God that if this was truly ment to be, I would trust him but that He would have to remove my financial strain and provide for what my family needs. I walked into my office to turn in my two weeks notice, not knowing what would happen, fully expecting to loose everything and have to foreclose on our new house. They refused my offer and immediately put me to work within the office doing something I had never thought about doing. Best yet, they provided me a salary that would allow us to keep our house! Within two weeks we sold off our toys and vehicles that were costing us high monthly payments and outrages fuel costs. I went to riding my motorcycle (which I had been missing badly while working the field), & things were looking good. But there was still something missing. I didn't have anyone holding me accountable to God's word or challenging me on His authority in my life. I knew that if I didn't have those things I would fall back into a life of material sin. So I began to search online for Christian Motorcycle clubs & came across Disciple Christian MC. I read through the website, read through the blogs, "liked" & followed the Facebook page. With a couple clubs allready established in my state, I reached out to each of them along with DCMC. I began praying that God would direct my path. DCMC was the only club to respond. I took that as a sign for me to pursue them. I met up with Angel Alba and immediately knew that we were going to clash, but in a good spiritual way. Proverbs 27:17 was in the flesh, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." We began to challenge each other in the word, pray about God's direction in each of our lives, & about DCMC's path within our own state. God brought us Tony Ray, a mentor in ministry outreach and a source of biblical wisdom. He [God] continued to bring pieces of this puzzle together from different aspects of life, men like Taylor DiscipleGonzo Strader (an ex-traveling musician & recovering alcoholic), Cody Wayne Kreizenbeck (a recovering alcoholic & loyal country boy), & Connor Swinson (ex drug dealer/user & motorcycle mechanic). Once these men began speaking into each others lives on a spiritual level, God opened doors that were sealed shut. We blasted across this state from corner to corner meeting with dominate clubs and ministry clubs, lending a servants heart wherever needed & burning up the highway whenever possible. Through the guidance of our Ma, Russell Johnson, & by the grace of the Lord we earned the approval to fly DCMC colors in Oklahoma & the "Red Dirt Crew" was officially chartered into the organization. Unfortunately Satan attacks wherever he can find a foothold. Each of us delt with attacks within the home & continue to do so. I won't go into detail on the others issues, that's their story to tell, but I will discuss my own. God brought me up out of the entangled Web of material & sexual sin. He has taken fleshly desires from my heart and replaced them with a feverent desire to learn more about the Holy presence of God. They say that each man's walk is his own & I believed it. Unfortunately my wife & I began to become separated by my constant spiritual agenda and therefore Satan was able to attack both of us through her. I realized that my walk is not just my own, but that I was to guide & help her with her own walk with Christ. I took a step back from DCMC, I focused my prayers toward her, her relationship with God, & our relationship together. I would like to say that God has mended this and we now live happily and without struggles or temptations. But that's not the case, Satan has his claws deep in this ordeal and it's going to take a Holy awakening to fully remove them. I know this is comming, I know God has this in His plan. There are lessons that each of us still must learn, perhaps I've already learnt them and she still hasnt, perhaps she has already learnt them and I still havent. I don't know the answer, but God does. He has given me a voice to speak into my wife, she now reads the bible (almost) daily & joins me in prayer when I ask. These are small steps to a large glorious victory that I know God will provide. This club has given me the courage to fight this battle, not with a fleshly earthly attitude, but with biblical resources & biblical advice from men who are sound in their faith and spiritually intelligent with their answers. I am held accountable, not only as a member of God's holy christian army, but as the spiritual leader in my own home. Riding fast, horseplay with Brothers & Bros, & random prospect challenges are all things the get done (allegedly) when this club gets together. They are what makes Disciple Christian MC fun! However it's the quiet times when we challenge each other in the word; when we lay hands on each other in prayer for struggles, standing in the gap on the spiritual battlefield and rebuking demons; when we speak spiritual life over each other; when we show up in physical & financial support for a fallen brethren; when we grieve with another over a loss; & when we stand up in glorious praise and unison and declare GOD IS GREAT! Combined these are the things that make DCMC special to me.

Disciple Burns
Central US Boss
P - Red Dirt Crew

Disciple Testimony: Disciple Spike

So James Disciple Johnson posted on here asking us what has DCMC done for you in your life... Well for me it all started in 2013 when I started looking for a club to join. I had looked up some clubs and hung out with a couple but it didn't feel right until May of 2013 when Disciple Wallace Soap McManus put me in contact with Disciple Retrow and Shun Green. I met them at retrows house and they asked me if I wanted to go for a "ride" lol and we went on one of the best rides I have ever gone on, no direction just wind and the hum of motors. We stopped at a restaurant on the lake and had a great conversation about each of our walks. I went home that night and just had a warm sensation about the club so I started supporting but on June 17th I got my conformation. I was hit in the rear on my bike wearing flip flops, shorts and a tee shirt and I felt like I had a bubble around me I didn't get any injury except for a busted blood vessel in my leg but what confirmed DCMC for me is that the whole club showed up at my house even before my family had and I just knew that Disciple was for me. The first time I went on a run with Disciple James asked me to pray for us at bo jangles (I had never prayed out loud like that before) and so I prayed for us. Every day since I have joined DCMC I have been pushed further and further into the word and every aspect of my life has been to put God first in everything. This club has helped me overcome porn, drinking, cussing, cheating on my wife and to put God before all things and if you just have faith even as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains. April of 2016 will be my 10 year anniversary with my wife and we are going to renew our vows and nothing can stop us as long as God is first and my club is behind me holding me accountable for my actions. This club is my family and it always will be! GOD IS GREAT!!! 888!!! DFFD!

Disciple Spike

Disciple Testimony: Bill Wyatt

My first encounter with Disciple and Disciple James Johnson was on June 17th 2012. I had seen the Disciple website a couple of days earlier and called James who invited me to Freedom Friday that coming Friday and also mentioned that Disciple was leaving that day for it's First Annual Dragon Run and I was invited to go if I wanted. So I did. We left Freedom Friday and headed to the mountain stopping at a rest stop on the way. James loves to try out other bikes so he ask another supporter (also his first day meeting James I think) if he wouldn't mind if they switched bikes. Anyway, here we are booking up the interstate at 95 (allegedly of course) for miles and miles passing everything in sight. I'm thinking to my self this is definitely the last ride I take with this crazy person. Disciple is not for me if we have to go this fast all the time. Blue smoke started coming from this bike that James is riding so I see this supporter ride up beside him to tell James. We pull over and someone happens to mention that we are booking at 95 mph. The look on James face was memorable, "What do you mean says James, the speedometer says 80" and that's when the supporter spoke up and said, "oh I forgot to tell you, the speedometer is way off on the bike." Long story short, I joined Disciple that weekend and never have gone fast with Disciple again,hehe. - Disciple Wyatt

Chris Cooper: Disciple Testimony

The first time I met James Disciple Johnson, was last August at the Knuckle Run. After reading his blogs and watching his Youtube videos, I was very excited to meet the man himself that started an organization that, I felt, was an answer to prayer. An organization that God could use to change a Nation. An organization that brings men together to bond, hold each other accountable, challenge one another, and fosters an environment of "brotherly love" the way God intended for it to be!

I arrived early, to the church where it was being staged. After about an hour, he rolled in with his two-wheeled entourage. Needless to say, I was a little nervous to meet the man that had inspired me, hoping to get another one of those great nuggets of wisdom....or perhaps even a God-led word over my life. A keen eye from a full patch member saw that I was laying back, not knowing what to do. After James greeted all the members, in ranking order, he brought me up and had me introduce myself. I thought...."Here we go." As he looked me up, he threw back his shoulders and said, "So, you're from Tennessee? We use to have some guys in Tennessee a while back. They flaked out. You gonna' flake out too?" (brief pause)
The only reply my mind could fumble to grasp for, in that moment was....."Well, with God's grace and mercy, I hope not."
End of meeting. Gut check. Challenge laid.

My next warm fuzzy was shortly thereafter when I first met my MA, Disciple Peacemaker (D.j. Jones). That meeting went A WHOLE LOT better.......

Imagine me, on my knees, with a gun stuck in my ear, in the dark, outside a local Clubhouse, at 1:30am, with no idea where I was at or how I got there...........yea. God's grace and mercy...I'm still here and I am certain, now more than ever, that this is where I am supposed to be!
The Lord knows what you need....and sometimes, what you need to hear.

He did, in me. DCMC has changed my life because, even though I have been saved for many years....... for the first time, I have direction and accountability. I have a marriage that is better than it ever has been in 27 years......and as I sit here with tears in my eyes, I can say that I know what TRUE brotherhood is.

I love these men, and will fight the devil to protect them, and the Club.

Chris Cooper
43TN Rocky Top Crew